Body Sculpting Treatment to Get You In Shape

After long periods of inactivity, it can be difficult to reactivate your muscles or target the correct muscles if you haven’t activated them regularly. Also, you may have certain back problems or problems that prevent you from reaching your goals. This treatment isn’t exactly relaxing, but it accomplishes much more than you could accomplish in a 45-minute home workout session, and it targets exactly the areas you want to tone and sculpt. Personally, I feel like it has had a positive impact on my body and my posture. It is a highly personalized and bespoke treatment that I really recommend!

If you’re looking for a boost to your post-lock body confidence regimen, this sculpting treatment might be for you (and I even have an exclusive discount, just for you!).

As we begin to leave our homes and return to the world after a year spent primarily at home, some of us may feel less secure than normal. Of course, I always support feeling good from the inside out, and staying active and eating lots of healthy and seasonal foods is a great place to start looking and feeling your best. Check out my Eat Beautiful book for some recipe and ingredient ideas as it’s a great place to start. But I’m definitely not against starting with the latest treatments, and I love finding out what’s new in aesthetic practice. Fat freezing has had a lot of pressure in recent years and we’ll get back to that soon, but warming up fat cells can be a more effective technique, with absolutely no downtime, making it a real game-changer. But what is truSculpt iD all about? Does it work? Learn more and find an exclusive discount offer at the end, just for you!

TruSculpt iD is a non-surgical sculpting treatment that permanently removes fat cells in stubborn areas of the body. It works using monopolar RF technology to attack fat and heat and destroy it therapeutically. A 15-minute treatment may be enough to see noticeable results; Fat cells are shed by passing through the body naturally for 12 weeks after treatment. There is no surgery or needles involved and there is no downtime. It is the opposite of cool sculpt, so it feels quite warm on the skin during the treatment, but it can be uncomfortable during the treatment, but the treatment only lasts 15 minutes.

With fat freeze treatments, the area can be enlarged before shrinking, due to the initial swelling, while this treatment has no negative effects or downtime, and is able to identify more precise areas effectively. It’s the ideal choice if you’re looking to target those really unruly spots.

Once you’ve shifted your stubborn fat cells, you can obviously hit the gym to achieve your personal body goals, and exercise is a great way to lift your mood and feel good, too. But you can also get help in this area with truSculpt flex, which is often used in conjunction with the truSculpt iD treatment. It is a muscle-sculpting treatment that uses multi-directional stimulation technology to offer three treatment options by replicating the actions of squeeze, squat, and twist. The treatment consists of placing handpieces attached to large and small muscle groups that simulate workouts to tone and sculpt your body. Up to eight areas can be treated in a 45-minute session and results are visible after four sessions.